Borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id
Borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id

borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id

Once Belly is defeated, Jack will say "Who the hell were those weirdos?

borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id

You can then shoot him from a safe distance.

borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id

RedBelly will not leave his area - so he will not enter the room. The easiest way to kill RedBelly is to get him to chase you back to the venting machines. Once this happens, make sure not to kill the helmet. RedBelly has two phases during the battle the second phase begins when his helmet comes off. Jack-o'Cannon - KW5BB-BZXWB-3TT33-JJT33-C966Tĭuring the "A New Direction" story mission early in the game, you can farm easy XP from the final Boss "RedBelly" by quickly saving and quitting at the right time. You can then use the Golden Key to open the chest found in the town square near Springs' shop and Moxxi's bar to get up to four level appropriate weapons or shields each time it is opened.ġ Golden Key - WKCT3-JTHZ9-BJ3JB-TTBJJ-CSZCZġ Golden Key - K5K3T-5THZ9-JT3BT-JBTJ3-36RZBġ Golden Key - 5KWTJ-FB9ZH-TTJTB-BBT3B-F9KWXġ Golden Key - KW53T-S39HZ-TJTT3-BJ3B3-B69C3ġ Golden Key - WK5BJ-3CHHS-TJJ3J-T3T3T-RRC5Hġ Golden Key - CWK33-5J3B3-33BTJ-3TB3B-C5SFXġ Golden Key - KKK3J-T33J3-BTB3T-JBJJ3-JSFBXġ Golden Key - 5C5TJ-W699H-BJTBJ-TTTTJ-XX3X6ġ Golden Key - 5WK33-RF99H-BJBJT-3B33T-ZW6WTġ Golden Key - C5CTT-3JJJJ-C3JTJ-J33BJ-SZ9SKġ Golden Key - 5WWBJ-HHSZ9-JBT33-B3TJJ-ZW65Wġ Golden Key - 5W5B3-KSZZ9-333B3-BBBBT-BK5W9ġ Golden Key - C5WTB-J9ZHS-BBBTT-TJ33T-RKJXTġ Golden Key - KKKJB-HXZHS-JTJJ3-JJBT3-KTJSBġ Golden Key - C5CJB-WTT3T-WJJBT-JT3JJ-CKJZ3ġ Golden Key - C5KTB-RTJ33-C33TT-BBJBB-WZWJXġ Golden Key - 5WWBJ-TWBJJ-KT3JB-TJBBB-CJ5KJģ Golden Keys - WWKTJ-JWKJB-BJ3TJ-3BJTB-TSHBWģ Golden Keys - WW5BB-RCKTJ-BTJ3J-BTTJB-939Z6ģ Golden Keys - KW53T-955JJ-3JBJT-3JJTB-BSSBFĥ Golden Keys - WK533-CZ6JB-T3BB3-3TB33-W9XXRĥ Golden Keys - 5K53J-J9FJ3-BT3JB-3BTT3-9JF5JĢ0 Golden Keys - C55BT-S95HK-HTT3J-B3J3J-5H5CR The Golden Keys are obtained from the SHiFT Code Kiosk in Concordia. Note: Some codes will expire over time or number of redemptions. Name of the file: Borderlands : The Pre-Sequel Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - Įnter one of the following codes under your SHiFT account at Gearbox Software to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Borderlands pre sequel cheat engine customization id